Portfolio trackers - the most used crypto tool of any

How will Portfolio Trackers help me profit?

Our favorite tool of all - portfolio trackers! Portfolio trackers are the most used crypto tool of any, and will help you keep a pulse on your portfolio. At a quick glance, you can check the total value of your investments, the 24-hour change in value of your portfolio, and view the performance of individual coins that make up your portfolio. If you notice one particular coin hurting your portfolio, then you can assess what to do about that.

Our Favorite Portfolio Trackers are:


CoinStats is also mobile only, but you can import all of your trades automatically via API. This can save you hours of headache. Mostly comes down to preference on this one.


We mentioned Cointracking before, but it’s worth bringing up again. They are the most popular web-based tracking service, while also being affordable. They are integrated with mostly any exchange you would need and calculate your historical data automatically upon importing your trades. Most traders use Cointracking as one of their main cryptocurrency tools.


If you prefer a more professional web-based solution, then Blox may be for you. There is both a free and premium version. For free, you can set up automatic tracking and the creation of multiple portfolios for up to $50,000 AUM (assets under management) or 100 transactions. So, if your portfolio surpasses those metrics, then you will need premium. In my opinion, this is a great deal.